‘Life Coaching for Youth’ is our customized program for two age groups with the youth (Ages: 13yrs-17yrs and 18yrs-29yrs).
This will be a journey to self-discovery which will help you with your entry into all aspects of adult life including education, career, relationships, and marriage. The clarity attained through this course will help you perfectly plan your life by going deep into the fundamentals of your personality, your strengths, your weaknesses, your abilities, your gifts, and your passion. The course will help you unlearn the lies and negative beliefs that were holding you back from reaching for the stars.
The Life Coaching program is not accredited. However, TAMI Global Academy, LLP is registered as an educational institution and a Certificate of Completion will be issued to those who successfully meet the course requirements of the Life Coaching program.
Life Coaching for Youth consists of 20 modules. The course will be taught through 30 sessions of 30-minutes each, plus homework and assignments. This course will be the complete tool for you to enter your adult life, head-on, without barriers that undermine the real you.